Is Belief in God Rational?
A Thomistic Institute lecture at the University of Utah on faith, philosophy, and skepticism.
Do Trees Have Souls?
A Thomistic Institute Lecture at the University of Georgia on the relation of Aristotelian and modern biology.
Alcuin Institute conference
Presenting on happiness and intellectual virtue at the annual Faith & Culture Conference in Tulsa.
Is Free Will an Illusion?
A lecture on Thomistic and modern accounts of agency, for the NYC chapter of the Thomistic Institute.
Aquinas Philosophy Workshop
“Are Societies Natural or Unnatural? — a talk for the annual Aquinas Philosophy Workshop in Newburgh, New York.
How is How Is My iPhone Changing Me?
A Thomistic Institute lecture at Brown University on neuroscience and philosophical psychology.
Lecture at the Claremont Colleges
Lecture on Catholic Social Teaching at the Thomistic Institute chapter of the Claremont Colleges consortium
ACPA annual meeting
98th Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, on the theme “Male and Female He Created Them”
Fides et Ratio Lecture, St. Anselm College
“Learning How to Think About God: Divine Simplicity and the Acquisition of Theological Concepts”
“More than Spiritual: Proofs for the Existence of God” UTAustin-TI
A lecture for the Thomistic Institute chapter of the University of Texas at Austin
Theological Perspectives on DEI — Princeton
“Beyond the Impasse: Theological Perspectives on DEI,” a conference of the Princeton Initiative in Catholic Thought. I will presenting on the Thomistic conception of social justice and structural evil, Saturday at 9:00
“Catholicism in the Professions” — FCS Convention
Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars
“Is Free Will an Illusion?” GWU - TI
Lecture for the Thomistic Institute chapter of George Washington University
Aquinas at 800: “Ad multos annos”
“This conference celebrates the 800th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Aquinas, exploring the ongoing importance of his thought to contemporary cultural, philosophical, and theological discussions.” Will be delivering a paper on Aquinas on peace on Monday, Sept. 23.
“Becoming Human: Barbie, Storytelling, and Aquinas on Self-Knowledge” NCSU - TI
Lecture for the Thomstic Institute chapter of North Carolina State University
“How is My Iphone Changing Me?” ECU-TI
Lecture for the Thomistic Institute chapter at East Carolina University
“Do Trees Have Souls? Aquinas on Natures” UNF - TI
A lecture for the Thomistic Institute chapter of Jacksonville, at the University of North Florda
Aquinas Philosophy Workshop
“Analogy and Divine Simplicity,” a talk for the Thomistic Institute Aquinas Philosophy Workshop at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, New York.
Christendom Trinity Symposium
“How ‘God’ Signifies in the Trinity,” a plenary lecture for the Christendom College Graduate School of Theology’s Symposium on the Most Holy Trinity
Theology of the Body Retreat
A retreat for the Thomistic Institute on Theology of the Body
Lecture — Catholic University of America T.I.
Mental Peace: Philosophy and Therapy of the Soul
Lecture — Fordham University
“Good, Simple, and Eternal: What Philosophy Can Tell Us About God,” a lecture for the Thomistic Institute chapter at Fordham University.
Lecture — Chesterton and Catholic Social Teaching
“Neither Capitalist Nor Socialist: Chesterton on Catholic Social Teaching,” a lecture for the Chesterton Academy of the Winter Speaker Series. Free and open to the public.
St. Thomas Day Lecture
On the Language and Metaphysics of Eucharistic Presence
Lecture — University of Scranton
“The Fellowship of Happiness: Classical and Christian Perspectives on Love and Friendship,” a lecture for the Catholic Studies Program
Fordham — Philosophy talk — POSTPONED FOR WEATHER
[NEW DATE TBA] Honoring Gyula Klima on the occasion of the publication of the Festschrift, Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Hosted by the Department of Philosophy. Rose Hill Campus.
Lecture — University of Connecticut T.I.
“Is Belief in God Rational? On Reason’s Role(s) in Theological Reflection”
Lecture — Saint Vincent College T.I.
“Free Will and Belief in God: Understanding Human Action and Divine Providence”
Lecture — University of Oregon T.I.
“Do Trees Have Souls? An Introduction to Thomistic Philosophy of Nature”
Lecture in Pittsburgh
A lecture on psychology and neuroscience, for the University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University chapter of the Thomistic Institute
Lecture at Hillsdale
A lecture on natural law in the Thomistic and American traditions, for the Thomistic Institute chapter at Hillsdale College.
Lecture at Youngstown State
“What is Love? Plato’s (Philosophical) Theology of the Body”
Lecture at Youngstown State University
Truth in a Time of Turmoil
A seminar to discuss the current relevance of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and Karol Wojtyla’s A Sign of Contradiction, sponsored by the Augustine Institute.